Compliment my kid and I just don't know what to do. I've worked a long time to figure out how to accept compliments on my own behalf, but even with best friends and supportive strangers, there is [...]
I am a mom of a toddler and twins, which is sort of a terrifying math problem. You see, I only have two arms. Three kids, but only two legs to sit on. Three kids, but only two eyes to watch with. [...]
The day I was officially diagnosed with depression, I cried. I mean, I had been crying for weeks, but this was different. I was crying because my crying had a name. A name I feared. I was [...]
I always knew I wanted to be a mom, that motherhood would be part of my story. I still remember the night my husband and I sat up late picking our three possible boy names and three possible girl [...]
I can remember the birth of my first son, Dylan, like it was yesterday: the way he looked and smelled, how he felt in my arms, and how unprepared I felt. I’d carried this baby for 38 weeks and in [...]
There's only two and a half years from my youngest to oldest three biological kids. Let me paint this picture in practicality on a trip to Target when they were little. I figured out the “kid [...]
I was at Target the other day. (Seriously, 80% of my stories start this way.) Anyway, I was at Target waiting while the checker ran to pick something up for me. I was just standing there with my [...]
Everyone calls them "the terrible twos." I think "the erratic, wonderful, odd, enjoyable, peculiar, rewarding and even the inconsistent twos" may be a better fit now that I’m experiencing them as [...]
I have this phrase that I like to say when I blow it in some area. Like recently, when I overcooked some chicken in the crockpot, hours, I said: "That's okay. I'm good at enough [...]
We've been potty training over here. Well, more like reinforcing potty training. My 3-year-old is technically "trained" except for a diaper at nap and bedtime. And the occasional accident when he [...]