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Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

Making faith a part of every day life.

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Life & Faith

You know how some people are really into Paleo, or mountain biking, or Minecraft? Like they can't stop talking about it, and wear tshirts about it, and attend conventions with other people who are equally into it? Well, we can relate because we're really--ridiculously--into Jesus. Here's what we have to say about it:

>> Be ridiculously Jesus-centered with us.


If you're a parent you've likely done one or all of the following in the past 24-hours: answered the same question twelve times, loaded, unloaded and/or reloaded a major appliance in the house, ran a minimum of three errands, responded to twenty texts, smelled and/or tasted an unidentifiable substance, and silently asked "Is this normal?" while laughing nervously to yourself.
We get it. Fortunately Jesus can help. (We know this because he's already bailed us out at least once today.) More thoughts on parenting--

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>> Read more from real parents like you.


In sitcoms, relationships are easy. People poke fun, argue, and reconcile in under twenty minutes. Relating to people in real life, on the other hand, is more...complicated. From dating to marriage to coworkers, twenty minutes is totally inadequate to tell the stories that matter most. For a taste of some of those stories, read below--

>> Get ideas and inspiration for your relationships

Kids videos

>> Where entertainment meets inspiration & education

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