Last night my kids came home to tell me about a friend whose parents had just bought them a brand new car. Then we all laughed really hard. Our family reality is that this kind of gift will not [...]
Living with a 13, 14 and 15-year-old has made me despise the word “awkward.” This word has become synonymous in my home for, “Don’t make me do something that will make me feel uncomfortable and [...]
A friend of mine started a Facebook group this summer to help parents find fun things to do for their kids. Almost every day different moms put up great ideas to keep children engaged and [...]
It's simple math. A teenager and a parent + the Never Ending Pasta Bowl + a deep conversation about choices =an amazing breakthrough. At least, that's how it worked out for my son and me. It's [...]
I have a new theory about the radioactive nature of relationships. A friend of mine recently shared about how his dad was dealing with an illness that could lead to death. He added, "Of course, [...]
"Words create worlds." I wish I was the first person to state this, but it's a concept that has anonymously embedded itself into my head from several places I've read it. It raises a powerful [...]
Tackle football is a mother's nightmare. My thirteen-year-old son plays tackle football. It's especially horrific when the combined weight of his parents is less than that of most of his [...]
As a mom, I spend a lot of time on “the circular drive.” This is the time I spend in my car going back and forth from home chauffeuring various children to sports, extra-curricular [...]
I was standing in line for a cup of late afternoon coffee when the phone rang. It was my thirteen-year-old on the other end having a total meltdown. She had forgotten her homework at school and [...]
As my youngest gets settled into 8th-grade this year, I am more convinced than ever that junior high is the seventh level of Hell. I think it was created in the fires of Hades by Lucifer [...]