I’m always trying to show my sons what it means to live out their faith, to bring Jesus with them everywhere they go. This is not always easy. No matter what your age or spiritual [...]
Living with a 13, 14 and 15-year-old has made me despise the word “awkward.” This word has become synonymous in my home for, “Don’t make me do something that will make me feel uncomfortable and [...]
Don't. Freak. Out. This has become a little back-to-school-mantra for my family lately because it seems like every day there is something new to be overwhelmed by, especially during the beginning [...]
I don’t know about you, but sometimes with only a few weeks of summer left, I begin to start thinking ahead. This thinking ahead can be a good thing. It helps me get school clothes and [...]
We are still in the first month of school and already I have heard, “I hate school,” followed by, “I really don’t like that teacher.” These comments make me want to roll my eyes, let out a huge [...]
As a mom, I spend a lot of time on “the circular drive.” This is the time I spend in my car going back and forth from home chauffeuring various children to sports, extra-curricular [...]
This time of year always feels like a time to reset, especially where friendships are concerned. With the school year swiftly approaching, I know my son will make new friends and have old [...]
Trapper Keeper? Check. New school clothes? Check. Alarm set? Check. Class is in session. It doesn't matter if your kids are 6 or 16, going back to school is a big deal for them. It's a big deal [...]
Every year I declare it won’t sneak up on me and every year I fail. All of a sudden I get an email from the school reminding me about Meet The Teachers night and I look at the calendar and I [...]
If Pinterest were in charge of back to school, here's what it would look like: 1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 And here's what I have to say: No Pinterest. I will not measure my success as a mom by your [...]