Join Rick Lawrence and Becky Hodges as they ZOOM in on John 15, listening to Jesus teach about the vine, the branches and abiding in him as a way to know his will. Also joined with a clip from [...]
Despite being proud as parents of kids who are growing up, there’s almost always a heartache that comes along from watching them leave the nest and learn to fly. Sometimes the heart ache comes [...]
I hope to raise my children to be followers. Our world has plenty of leaders but not nearly enough followers. Leadership is overrated. All too often accompanied by inflated ego and entitlement, [...]
Me. Jesus. and my smart-phone. The current of technology is compounding around us. There's virtual reality, augmented reality and it begs the question, what happened to "real reality?" Join us in [...]
Prayer. It's something we can often take for granted. How do you pray? What does it mean for your prayers to be heard...and answered? How do you know? When should you pray? How long should you pray?