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When did my son become the man in the mirror? Thoughts on kids growing up.

When your son becomes the man in the mirror (2)

One day we wake up and realize we’re not children anymore.

Another day, we wake up and realize our children aren't children anymore.

(Ouch! Yeah, this is going to be one of those posts. Sorry - we gotta go there.)

The year my oldest son was born, my wife and I bought a journal.

It was intended to be something we'd write in each year on his birthday to sum up what we'd seen in him over that previous year. I remember the day we picked it out. I wanted it to be meaningful from the very start.

That's when I saw a picture on the cover of one journal. It was a piece of art called "Always" by Ron Dicianni, and it moved me.


I was the man in the mirror, holding my baby boy. And the man in front of the mirror seemed like a long, long way off.

Or so I thought.

I still remember writing the first entry. I wanted to write something funny that would perhaps lead to something meaningful. (Apparently, some things never change.)

Today is your first official birthday. In a lot of ways, it may be much like your 100th birthday - someone else has to blow out the candles and you have little memory of what's going on. Nonetheless, this day is special because it's the day you were born.

As context, the birthday journal idea went well for a long number of years. Unfortunately, my wife and I got caught up in the busyness of life and we hadn't written in it for four years. But then something happened and I knew I had to pick it up again.

And that's when it hit me: the cover had changed.

I'd become the man in the front of mirror.

It shredded me. I had to actually set it down.

Here's what prompted me to remember the journal after four years: earlier that night I found myself in front of a mirror again. This time, I was teaching that very same son how to shave.


And this time, there were two men in the mirror.

(Please grab a Kleenex for me.)

Our kids growing up is not a bad thing. It means they're preparing to own who God made them to be and the unique difference they can make in the world. While this same young man with shaving cream on his face still (literally) has a Peter Pan hat in his bedroom, he also started his first job the "day-after-the-shave."

(That's what I'm calling it, by the way. I may need therapy soon.)

Holding our kids firmly when they're little is needed, but as they get older we need to hold them with an open hand. If we can do this well, we'll still get a firm embrace from time to time that reminds us of when they were little.

So at this "shaving" stage of things, there are a few things my wife and I are trying to do to help our oldest emerge into adulthood. Maybe we can all do these in our attempt to be unconditional.

Three Things I'm Trying Now That My Son Is Becoming A Young Man

1. Pray with them. While it may be easier to just pray for them, we want to pray with our older kids. Even if they go through the stage of pushing back on faith, they need something consistent here. As life hands them a "trampoline" and says everything has now become flexible, they need this "foundation" for the trampoline to be set on.
First Day on the Job

2. Partner with others. We can't be everywhere our older kids are, but we can partner with others who are. Our son's first job is actually under an amazing Christian man who runs a hot dog restaurant locally. We talked about how cleaning plates in the kitchen is a "dish position that will impact his disposition." Our owner even came over to pray with us at our meal when we ate there that night. That can be rare, but maybe it doesn't need to be. Think of who else "gets it" and can help your son or daughter "get it," too.

3. Prod with opportunities. While it may be impossible to return our older kids back to the innocence of their younger days, we can choose how to expose them to the world. My wife and I do our best to walk our kids through big headlines as they happen so they can get a mature understanding of the issue versus just hearing a sound byte on it. We also decided that when each of our kids was thirteen-years old, we'd take them on a mission trip. My oldest and I went two years ago, and we'll be back there again with his younger brother who's turning thirteen this year.


I just realized that I'm going to through all of this again with my emerging 13-year old!

Forget a piece of Kleenex. Please pass me the whole box!

How are you feeling about your kids growing up?

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