(Podcast) The New-ness of You—Transforming Friendships
Season 4, Episode 003: The New-ness of You—Transforming Friendships
Whether they bring great delight, or great pain, friendships have a transformational impact on our lives. When we look at our own friendships, what role can they play in deepening our commitment to Jesus?
Join Rick and Becky as they continue our two-month pursuit of what it takes to become a “new” version of yourself (Hint- It’s not by trying harder to get better). Turning to the Bible, we’ll dive into Mark 2 and discuss the role friendship took in a paralyzed man’s life.
Have you joined the Pigs? We're a group of friends ready to go all in with Jesus--to live a life that's “free indeed” because we’re wholly dependent on him. Join us for exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, opportunities to make your voice matter, prayer support, and connections to other Pigs inside our private Facebook group.
- Spiritual Grit
- Growing Spiritual Grit Devo
- Growing Spiritual Grit for Teenagers Devo
- The Jesus-Centered Life by Rick Lawrence
- Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead by Brené Brown
- “Are American Friendships Superficial?” - Psychology Today
- “The Average American Has Only One Close Friend" - Business Insider
- Artis – College, Life, Career - Becky's new app!