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Jesus-Centered: The Second and Only Question That Really Matters

The Second Question Question That Matters In Your Life

"At the core of who we really are--the most basic truth about our identity--is this: "He's with me." More than our accomplishments and failures and gifts and irritations, we are defined by what Jesus says about us, and by his determination to reclaim us and include us in his kingdom-of-God life. When he says, "You're with me," that's all we, or anyone else, need to know. We find ourselves in him." --Rick Lawrence, The Jesus-Centered Life

"So...what do you do?"

This is the question we're most frequently asked today when we meet new people. It's the first way we identify who we are, and what we're about. We're marketers, nurses, lawyers, electricians, software developers, waitresses, and stay-at-home moms.

Except that we know what we do doesn't fully encompass who we are.

Who does Jesus say you are?

We use a lot of things to define who we are: our jobs, expectations from friends and family, things we were told in childhood, labels we've been given, failures, successes. And so on. But do these things really contain the truth of who we are?

As we see in the encounter of Peter and Jesus that Rick mentions in the video, Jesus has the answer to this question. When we draw near to him, he does something revelatory: he shows us who we really are. And when we embrace his truth, we become our most authentic version of ourselves, and are freed to pursue the unique purpose he's given us.

Try this 5-minute idea:

In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus gives Peter a new name. He does the same with James and John, calling them "the sons of thunder" (Mark 3:17). In a similar fashion, get to a quiet place and ask Jesus to place in your mind a word or phrase that describes you. What do you hear? If what you hear seems odd, try not dismiss it right away. Instead, let it sit with you and pray for more insight. See what happens.

For more ideas like this, plus other Jesus-centered thoughts and ideas, download a free sample chapter of The Jesus-Centered Life.


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  • Judy

    I have been an avid Bible studier most of my life. Coming from an abusive background, Jesus was my first & closest BFF. And he still is. Showing how God takes the things the enemy uses to try to destroy us & uses them for good has been constantly demonstrated in my life. The early (still in diapers) beatings with small limbs from peach trees (rough with stinging resin) taught my body to withstand great & constant pain. Now that I have early-onset arthritis, no discs in my back-bobe on bone vetebrae that brings a scream to my lips when I stand, I thank God for the early life pain. I can bear this excruciating pain now because of my early childhood. He is always with me, and always standing with open arms if I allow life to distract me & steal away the time I need to spend with Him. I have great empathy for others since I’ve been in most of their shoes. I had gotten obssessed with my illnesses but the 21 Days Centered on Jesus helped me back to my normal routine. Saving for my blue print Bible now. I recommend this devotion guide to everyone.pragmatist 485 @gmail.

  • Lin Johnson

    I a.m. 63 years old and lived most of my life in rebellion to God. I was born again at age 33 but still lived for the thing of this world and desires of the flesh..drugs, etc. I was a loving, caring mother but not a very good one, although I thought I was. My children struggle and I feel guilt for not raising tov really know God. But my one desire now, for a few years now, is to live for and follow Jesus. I have the Jesus centered bible and the book Jesus centered life. But every day i fail at something and ask for forgiveness. I am a 63 yr old baby…but I spend every morning in quiet time in God’s word and am still trying to figure out my purpose and how I can further God’s Kingdom here on earth. No one seems to want to hear much about God. So I stay close to Jesus and wait inn Him.

  • Jim Corbett

    I always hated when people ask others “what do you do for a living?” right after hearing their name; as if that’s the info they will use to determine if the person worth investing any more time into or not. If a job that takes training, higher education, or that not just anyone can do comes up, you’re worthy of more time and interest. If something mundane and unexceptional, then that must be because you are too. And that makes you not worth putting much time into. So I agree with your comment about not letting what you do for a living define you; who Jesus says you are in Him stays constant no matter what job you do, and no matter what someone thinks about it.

    Always remember that; He certainly does.

  • Ana Feliciano

    Hi and God Bless you Lin
    My name is Ana Feliciano, YOu can call me Ana. I live in the Orlando fl area. I know exactly what you mean. I’m 54yo. Look up Prophetic word from the Lord (Nov. 23- which was last week) it really helps in your walk with the Lord and Identity. Every Sunday or every other Sunday look for it on youtube. Start there. Pray for me sister and I will pray for you. in His name

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