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Fresh Ideas for Lent

fresh ideas for Lent

Lent is a season of spiritual preparation that takes place during the 40 days before Easter.

While many people enjoy traditional ways of celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus during Lent, there is no shortage of new experiences that will help us find God.

>> Related: do you observe Lent?

The Bible teaches us to intentionally love God with our heart, soul, mind, strength and relationships - Lent is the perfect time to reflect on where we may be falling short in these areas while thinking about ways we can make room for spiritual growth.


Watch this short, powerful video for a beautiful reflection of the meaning of Lent. Preparing our hearts to fathom our Savior's sacrifice is what Lent - and this video, with music by The Brilliance - is all about. [click here]

Here are some fresh ideas for Lent and drawing closer to God during this season.

Celebrate through your heart: Use a notebook to daily journal thoughts about family members or friends. Write down what they do each day that encourages you, and how you specifically appreciate what they did for you, themselves, another or God. Give each person a completed journal on Easter.

Celebrate through your soul: Turn your household or friendships toward prayer. Put out a box or bowl with notecards next to it. Ask others to write down and drop praises and prayer requests into the receptacle throughout each day. Set aside daily time to pray for them on your own, and weekly time to pray for them together. Use email or create a private Facebook page for friends and family that may be separated by distance.

>> Related: three 40-day devotionals to try this Lent

Celebrate through your mind: Find a passage of Scripture to memorize by yourself or with others. Pick something that is a reasonable challenge, such as all of Psalm 1 or a section of the Sermon on the Mount (Mathew 5-7). Look at the books of James or Philippians to find great paragraphs full of inspirational truth.

Celebrate through your strength: Spend the money you normally spend on indulgences (fancy drinks, movies etc.) in a more productive place. Set it aside when you would have used it, and give it instead in the name of Jesus to someone in need, a local cause, a global ministry or a church you believe in.

Celebrate through your relationships: Have the "conversation you keep putting off" with other people. Reconcile where there has been tension, and go the final 10% of peacemaking instead of backing away out of a reaction. Share your relationship with Jesus Christ with someone who doesn't yet know him personally. Encourage people whom you often overlook because of being busy. "Raise your antenna" to the Holy Spirit and do whatever he asks you to do.

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