It's what we don't see coming that scares us the most. Because suddenly, everything can change. This is the fear that we all stuff down... even when it rears its head. At any given moment, the [...]
Occasionally, you'll notice a police car nearby. (How often that happens may depend on how fast you drive.) It's comforting when an officer routinely drives by to ensure your neighborhood is [...]
It's a strange thing to hear your kid complain of a heart issue. This happened to my wife and I after dinner one night. My son opened up about how he had been experiencing chest pains for a few [...]
Our relationship with our parents as we grew up created countless defining moments. That's a given. We kind of realize that even as kids. What we often don't brace ourselves for is how the [...]
It is so easy to judge other parents. Admit it, we all do it. We judge the parents who let their child eat, watch, or do those things we see as taboo. And we judge the parents whose children [...]
In the beginning, we all did some pretty wild things preparing for our kids to be born. We washed and folded teeny-tiny little clothes. We read online reviews to find the best crib within our [...]
Well, it’s happening again. Almost two years ago my family moved from Colorado to Berlin, Germany when my husband accepted a teaching position at a German-American school. At the time I remember [...]
About half of my vocabulary as an adult is derived from movie lines. In fact, about half of my friendships were forged while watching movies over and over together. (Anyone else willing to [...]
There's nothing like traveling out of the country without health insurance... ...especially when your teenager is with you. I didn't plan on this happening by any means; I heard the news the day [...]
Lent is a season of spiritual preparation that takes place during the 40 days before Easter. While many people enjoy traditional ways of celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus during [...]