4 Ways To Notice God's Love As A Family
Occasionally, you'll notice a police car nearby.
(How often that happens may depend on how fast you drive.)
It's comforting when an officer routinely drives by to ensure your neighborhood is safe.
It's uncomfortable if the officer stops in front of your home and gets out to head your way.
Either way, you're being protected and cared for in ways you'll only partially realize.
Your parenting can come across like this at times.
Sometimes your kids will notice you nearby and feel comforted, like when they come home from a hard day and you're there to talk to.
Other times your kids will feel uncomfortable when you're around, like when they're doing something you won't approve of and see you walking their way.
Either way, they're being protected and cared for in ways they'll only partially realize.
Your care is way more personal than a police officer's care, though.
You speak tender-yet-firm love to your kids in the unique ways they need to hear it.
You take them shopping for "important" things that often don't seem all that important (at least according to them).
You are patient with them in their most impatient moments.
You don't take "seconds" so they can have "thirds."
God's care is way more personal than even your care, though.
He is with your kids in every moment and situation.
"For from him and through him and for him are all things." (Romans 11:36)
He doesn't guess his way through situations like we do, but perfectly knows what's needed.
"Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." (Psalm 147:5)
We do what we do because we love our kids.
We love our kids "because he loved us first." (1 John 4:19)
Either way, we're being protected and cared for in ways we'll only partially realize.
4 Ways To Notice God's Love As A Family
- Notice what you notice: Talk about the times you've felt cared for by God or other people in your life to see if your kids have any similar stories. Read Psalm 32:7 together and talk together about what it means for God to be our "hiding place." Continue reading through the Psalms to find other descriptive words people used to describe God in their lives, such as being their "rock," "shield," and so on.
- Notice what you don't notice: Identify some of the everyday people who look out for us in ways we may overlook. Take some action steps, like making cookies for the local police station or fire department. Turn it around and serve others by visiting a local hospital with a large container of soup to bless people in the waiting rooms who are likely fatigued from caring for a loved one.
- Notice what you can't notice: A classic question people asked about God is how we can believe in him if we can't tangibly see him. This question is honest, but it's also like how a fish might be the last creature to discover water because it knows no other reality to compare it to. There are many things in life we can't see but constantly see the effects of, such as wind and gravity. Look for these non-tangible examples with your kids, like how even love isn't visible, but produces much that we encounter every day.
- Notice what you will notice: The Bible says that one day we will see God face to face. Until then, he’s left us much evidence in creation, our character, history, and the Bible so we can know he’s real. To top it off, hundreds of people saw Jesus come back to life after he died. Talk about how these things help you look forward to what's ahead.
How are ways your family notices God's love in your everyday life?