Always an overachiever, I bought a day planner in October to get a head start on goal-setting for the new year. I’m normally not a goal person, but lately I’ve been feeling like I could use some [...]
It seems like just yesterday when my husband and I exchanged vows. Two twenty-somethings embarking on what would be the most fulfilling relationship of our lives, we couldn’t wait to share [...]
A few years ago I got the amazing opportunity to hear a lesson on what is referred to as “a holy discontent.” Right away I was intrigued because I’d heard speakers address spiritual gifts before. [...]
I read an article on interviewing a wife of three years about the biggest lessons she’s learning in marriage. She said that sometimes you have to carry each other, and how it seems to work out [...]
I'm a creature of habit. I actually like routine and predictability. I know that makes some of you cringe and others of you nod your head in agreement. Regardless, it’s how I operate. But [...]