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Loving Boldly with Fearless Conversation

how to have fearless conversation with your teen (1)

What is Fearless Conversation?

 Instead of lecturing, we will practice Fearless Conversation—“Your thoughts are welcome; your doubts are welcome.”

  • Engage conversation in love, not fear
  • Believe everyone’s voice matters, and invite and honor other people’s turn to speak
  • Let go of your agenda, and don’t assume people have motives
  • Seek to understand—imagine both sides
  • Be an authentic listener, not just a teller
  • Ask wondering questions to allow open-ended responses
  • Seek to affirm, encourage, and be constructive with criticism
  • Admit you have questions too
  • Accept that you don’t always have to speak, realizing that sometimes being fully present in silence is best
  • Be transparent and vulnerable—share your struggles as much as your strengths
  • Pray before you have tough conversations and trust the Holy Spirit to intervene
  • Foster an environment of grace, respect, and kindness toward others

How do we encourage fearless conversation within our families? Authors Thom & Joani Schultz have some inspiring ideas for encouraging fearless conversation and nurturing spiritual growth in families.

  1. Encourage your children to tell their own stories. Ask for their point of view--it will be enlightening for sure. (sharing highs and lows or "God Sightings" are great routines for families to put into practice)
  2. Share Scripture that is close to your heart with your children and read the bible aloud so they too can find their favorites. Find out why.
  3. Take time for prayer and lead by example. It may not seem like your kids are paying attention, but they are – to everything. Pray with your kids routinely so they can understand that God wants to hear their voice too.


For more in-depth examples of fearless conversation and the 4 Acts of Love, check out Thom & Joani Schultz's latest book, Why Nobody Wants to be Around Christians Anymore, and How 4  Acts of Love Can Make Your Faith Magnetic. To order click here.

Why Nobody Wants To Be Around Christians Anymore


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