Loving Boldly with Fearless Conversation
What is Fearless Conversation?
Instead of lecturing, we will practice Fearless Conversation—“Your thoughts are welcome; your doubts are welcome.”
- Engage conversation in love, not fear
- Believe everyone’s voice matters, and invite and honor other people’s turn to speak
- Let go of your agenda, and don’t assume people have motives
- Seek to understand—imagine both sides
- Be an authentic listener, not just a teller
- Ask wondering questions to allow open-ended responses
- Seek to affirm, encourage, and be constructive with criticism
- Admit you have questions too
- Accept that you don’t always have to speak, realizing that sometimes being fully present in silence is best
- Be transparent and vulnerable—share your struggles as much as your strengths
- Pray before you have tough conversations and trust the Holy Spirit to intervene
- Foster an environment of grace, respect, and kindness toward others
How do we encourage fearless conversation within our families? Authors Thom & Joani Schultz have some inspiring ideas for encouraging fearless conversation and nurturing spiritual growth in families.
- Encourage your children to tell their own stories. Ask for their point of view--it will be enlightening for sure. (sharing highs and lows or "God Sightings" are great routines for families to put into practice)
- Share Scripture that is close to your heart with your children and read the bible aloud so they too can find their favorites. Find out why.
- Take time for prayer and lead by example. It may not seem like your kids are paying attention, but they are – to everything. Pray with your kids routinely so they can understand that God wants to hear their voice too.
For more in-depth examples of fearless conversation and the 4 Acts of Love, check out Thom & Joani Schultz's latest book, Why Nobody Wants to be Around Christians Anymore, and How 4 Acts of Love Can Make Your Faith Magnetic. To order click here.
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