"Here I am. Send me."
By Becky Herrington
I was 21 years old when I muttered these words during a worship service.
The message had been about the prophet Isaiah as he was brought up to heaven and called to be God’s messenger to people who desperately needed him. The angels were compelled to worship God, and kept saying over and over:
“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory.” [From Isaiah 6:1-13]
I devoted myself to God that night and promised to go wherever he sent me.
But my story didn’t actually start that night.
It started when I was seven-years-old and on the first of many family vacations spent traveling across the US border to bring medical supplies and serve in orphanages, local clinics, and churches in Mexico. My sisters and I had our hearts and minds opened during these trips as we painted the humble walls of dirt-floored houses and learned that friendship didn’t require knowing the same language.
I'm grateful that "vacation" in our family meant something more than just a much-needed break from our reality. It meant becoming immersed in the culture by serving, witnessing true hardship, encountering true happiness despite poverty—and developing a compassionate heart to serve the world around me.
Today I've continued combining my passion for service, global travel, and Jesus, and I'm thrilled to introduce an amazing program called Group Lifetree Adventures.
Group Lifetree Adventures is a mission-minded travel organization that partners with local, sustainable ministry organizations around the globe who are serving the needy by being the hands and feet of Jesus. This year we'll be leading a Jesus-centered service trip to Kenya.
We hope you'll prayerfully consider joining us to be a part of what God's doing around the globe by extending the love of Jesus beyond our borders!
Please check out dates and learn more about this amazing service project alongside our ministry partners.
Let’s all say YES to where God is calling us this year.
I am unable to go with you on these journeys, but my prayers will be with you and all who travel with you, and with the people you go to serve in the name of out lord and savior.
I keep asking, but do not clearly see what He wants of me. Love reading these posts to know others feel inside what I do. Kevin