It's finally here: graduation. It’s an event you’ve anticipated with joy and dreaded with grief. Fellow parent--you're about to feel all the feelings. Your teen will be feeling them, too. [...]
I'm not good with goodbyes. When I dropped my daughter off at college during August of her freshman year, I thought my heart would never recover from the loss of her presence in my daily life. [...]
“Mom, SERIOUSLY? Why are you crying?” My son was shocked to see my tears as I pulled into the airport departure lane, dropping him off for his flight back to college for second semester. But [...]
[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] I could tell she had been crying the minute I answered the phone. So it was going to be one of those talks. On the other end was my tearful daughter [...]
This morning I was mentally processing my to-do list during my drive to work like always. It included the usual run-down of the day’s meetings and project deadlines, but also much more than what [...]
You’ve been dreaming of this moment since you dropped them off in August—the sweet reunion of your baby returning home from college for holiday breaks. But before your vision of a fairy tale [...]
Finding gratitude in the midst of crunch time You may not quite be feeling it yet, but November is crunch time. As the days go by, the pile of activities, deadlines, and stressors gets [...]
Last week I finally got “the text” from my college freshmen son. It had been three weeks since college drop-off day, and I’d worked really hard not to pester him too much with my needy texts, [...]
When my kids were little, my parents would occasionally host a “grandkids sleepover night” so my husband and I could enjoy the freedom of a date night that actually extended THROUGH the night and [...]
[This article is an excerpt from a chapter in the best-selling devotional book, Release My Grip, Hope for a Parent's Heart as Kids Leave the Nest and Learn to Fly When the Dark Clouds Roll In: [...]