8 Awesome Christmas Tree Ornaments to Make With Your Kids
Does your family like to make Christmas tree ornaments each year? If so, we've got ideas for you! Check out these 8 awesome ornaments we found on Pinterest. Perhaps you'll find the perfect project to help your kids celebrate Jesus' birthday.
Pause for a moment and envision the ornaments on your family's Christmas tree. Do you have a favorite? Which one makes you smile? Which ornament do you sneakily move to the back of the tree for a little less visibility? (You know you have one!)
Handmade ornaments are a great way to showcase your children's creativity and craftiness on your Christmas tree each holiday season. It's so fun when little fingers craft sparkly decorations to celebrate Jesus and create precious memories to revisit year after year.
We've scoured and pinned 8 awesome Christmas tree ornaments that your kids can make this season. Some are great for younger children with limited fine motor skills. Others are perfect for older kids who are up for a challenge.
Take a look! Which ones will your family make this Christmas?
1. Cupcake Liner Ornaments
Make these ornaments with younger kids. Consider gluing the cupcake liners ahead of time and having your young kiddos add foam stickers. If using pompoms, be ready to helpwith glue!
2. Spiral Tree Ornaments
You may want to pre-cut the spirals for younger kids, but older kids will love practicing their scissor skills.
3. Q-Tip Snowflake Ornaments
Older kids will love this geometrical challenge! Be sure to have your kids write their name and the date on the back.
4. Candy Cane Ornaments
What a fun way to practice fine motor skills! Be ready to help little fingers secure each end of the candy cane and tie the ribbons.
5.Pipe Cleaner Christmas Tree Ornaments
More fine motor skills practice? You've got it! Consider pre-twisting chenille wires for young children—or have older kids help their younger siblings!
6. Pipe Cleaner Lollipop Ornaments
Here’s another sweet idea using chenille wires!
7. Pompom Christmas Wreath Ornaments
This could get a little sticky...but isn't it pretty? Consider taking polaroid pictures of your kids for the center of the wreath.
8. Tealight Snowmen Ornaments
Consider giving kids permission to make other Christmas characters, too! They could even make faces of angels, shepherds, and wise men!
We hope you enjoy crafting these cute ornaments with your children this season!