"Mommmmmm, I'm BORED!"
Free Download for Beating Summer Boredom
and Saving Your Sanity
Summer boredom is no joke.
It’s the kind of thing that can drive a mom crazy. Nevermind bringing your kids into this world through blood, sweat and tears; when summer rolls around you are now expected to be Master Entertainer, Chauffeur, Caterer, Tutor, and Event Coordinator.
Geez. So much for vacation.
The way to beat summer boredom isn't what you think, though. We recommend the stealthy tactics in this download, including:
- How to preempt boredom and its misfit cousins: whining, fighting, and idleness
- A planning calendar that won't leave you exhausted (Pinterest, we're talking to you.)
- 6 printables you'd want to laminate (if people still did that sort of thing)
- 10+ unexpected activities to pull boredom up by its roots*
*Disclaimer: these activities may develop long-term qualities in your kids like gratitude, perseverance, and faithfulness. (You can thank us later.)