Our relationship with our parents as we grew up created countless defining moments. That's a given. We kind of realize that even as kids. What we often don't brace ourselves for is how the [...]
To mix a phrase from Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being 'tween." This word "tween" doesn't just represent an age group of kids who aren't little kids but aren't yet older teens... it [...]
I came home from work and my son was was packing. Not just ‘throwing-some-extra-underwear-in-a-suitcase’ packing – but legitimately packing with boxes and packing tape and Sharpie markers. He was [...]
We've been in the process of transition-- moving states, jobs, schools and life placement for almost six months now. Can I be blunt? I stink at transition. Our “plan” had been for my husband to [...]