I am a mom of a toddler and twins, which is sort of a terrifying math problem. You see, I only have two arms. Three kids, but only two legs to sit on. Three kids, but only two eyes to watch with. [...]
The day I was officially diagnosed with depression, I cried. I mean, I had been crying for weeks, but this was different. I was crying because my crying had a name. A name I feared. I was [...]
I was at Target the other day. (Seriously, 80% of my stories start this way.) Anyway, I was at Target waiting while the checker ran to pick something up for me. I was just standing there with my [...]
When my daughter and two sons were little I had a running list of “WHY” questions in my head that looped on auto repeat during those years. WHY does something in our house always stink like [...]
My oldest is entering his first year of real preschool. His last year before kindergarten. Let's be honest, moms of littles: we get through the sleepless nights, toddler tantrums, potty training, [...]
I got one of those "forward to a friend" texts the other day and started to roll my eyes. I hate those things. But it came from my friend, Kelly, who’s another busy mama like me who’s kids have [...]
My name is Natalie Snapp and I’m a mom. But I’m also a nurse, a psychologist, a professional errand-runner, a personal shopper, a cook, an activities director, a cleaning service, an encourager [...]
We've been potty training over here. Well, more like reinforcing potty training. My 3-year-old is technically "trained" except for a diaper at nap and bedtime. And the occasional accident when he [...]
My name is Marie Osborne, and I am a mom. It’s a title that makes me squirm a little uncomfortably at times, like an itchy, ill-fitting hand-me-down. Other times, motherhood seems infused in my [...]
My name is Leneita Fix and I am a mom. I want to start by letting you know that I'm not an expert on anything. But you're invited to come with me as I tell you the story of my life and some [...]