One of my best friends recently told me, "I love to sing worship songs. It's the one thing I still get to do with my daughter." His daughter passed away two years ago. But because of the [...]
There are some things that I'm just not good at. I once had to ask my father-in-law for help changing my wiper blades. Not "Dad, can you spare a twelve-gauge crescent wrench so I can [...]
It's a strange thing to hear your kid complain of a heart issue. This happened to my wife and I after dinner one night. My son opened up about how he had been experiencing chest pains for a few [...]
I wasn't sure what to make of the Bible growing up. Aside from the huge family Bible that collected dust on the top shelf of a hall closet, my only exposure to the Story of God was the [...]
Here's an apparent hobby of mine: Buying spinach, and then throwing most of it out a week later when it gets all slimy. (Don't even get me started on bananas.) Parenting feels that way sometimes. [...]
To mix a phrase from Kermit the Frog, "It's not easy being 'tween." This word "tween" doesn't just represent an age group of kids who aren't little kids but aren't yet older teens... it [...]
There's nothing like traveling out of the country without health insurance... ...especially when your teenager is with you. I didn't plan on this happening by any means; I heard the news the day [...]
I don’t really want my family to be happy. I know how that sounds, so hang with me. I do want them to be happy, but I really want something more for them than mere happiness. It’s why sometimes I [...]