By Thom and Joani Schultz
The book that will forever change the way you think about church.
The statistics are clear: The American church is in decline. People are leaving in astounding numbers, with no sign of a turnaround. And despite church leaders best efforts to stem the tide, more than 80 percent of people are finding something better to do on Sunday mornings.
Why? Is there hope for the future of the church?
In this groundbreaking new book, Thom and Joani Schultz expose the church practices that are driving people away and thwarting spiritual growth. Yet they also reveal what can bring them backthe four keys to reaching the "unchurched" and the "dechurched."
The bad news? Your church is probably missing the mark when it comes to the core of Christianity. The good news? There's hope. Lots of it.
The truth may surprise you —but it can also transform your ministry into something truly irresistible.
Bring this book to your church. Great for leadership teams, and small group discussions.
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