I think there are 12 pie crusts on our buffet awaiting the arrival of their first loves this morning. A bacon-laden turkey sits unaware that it will soon achieve it’s finest hour. And the house [...]
Both of my parents died when I was a teenager. Death, since then, has always been a sad familiarity to me. But a few years ago, our children experienced an unexpected loss, as well. Our [...]
We’re all worried about it. Bad parenting. Screwing up our kids. If it weren’t such a sad obsession for most of us parents, it would almost be laughable, the things we worry about. “If I make [...]
So today I was helping my oldest finalize his housing plans for college. My middle son is trying to learn how to drive. (And I’m trying to learn how not to instill therapy in his future.) My [...]
Your tree is probably going up in the next week or so, if it's not already up. It will glisten with ornaments crafted with the prowess of a second grader's hand, revealing the abundance of [...]
Things have changed a lot in the last twelve months. My eldest son went to college last year. We coached him as he made plans for dorm necessities. We prompted when it seemed he needed to get [...]
Everyone blogs about the cutesie, frazzled-yet-put-together mom on Mother's Day. Know what I mean? "Moms have the hardest job on earth: taxi driver, pediatrician, personal assistant, [...]
Note: this week, in honor of Mother's Day, we are commemorating the many different women in our lives who have shaped and molded us. We're calling them our "many mothers," and thanking them for [...]
My son, Isaac, was home for spring break last week. (If you read this blog with any regularity, you know my eldest son went to college this year and that I am still in recovery!) I'm making [...]
My wife called me her hero today! I love it when she says that. I wish I gave her more reasons to say it. And I wish it was for more significant reasons... I'm her hero today because, after [...]